For the sake of their dreams they flew over the Atlantic Ocean. Overcome all the difficulties of mountain off roads, walked 500 meters of a rather dangerous trekking up to the mountains in a wedding dress and suit to a waterfall with Ted Baker shoes under the arm. On the way up they have received congratulations from the travelers in at least seven world languages, someone even sang, someone clapped, someone of course asked to make a picture.

And there on the edge of the cliff blown away by the wind and the spray of a waterfall, they said each other the most important words. Words that have lived inside for 10 years.

We understood that the way up to the waterfall might not suit everyone, and were afraid that the guys would regret agreeing to our proposal. But we made a bet and did not lose — Soheil and Armita, with wind tangled hair and wet clothes from the spray, laughed like children and were completely happy. Happy from the adventures that hit them, happy to be here and now, to feel what they feel, happy to share these moments with us and with the whole world around.

And at that moment we realized that we had met the same dreamers like us. Such distant ones, with which we are separated by at least 9000 km, and at the same time so close.

It was so incredibly valuable to realize that there are no boundaries, but there is a world that belongs to people, in whose heart there is kingdom and love, and whose mind is bright and unbiased.